Venous Disorders

What you need to know about veins

Venenleiden Gefaessklinik Tsantilas Dr. med. habil. Pavlos Tsantilas sitzt in einem Behandlungszimmer

Gentle treatment of vein disorders by a specialist doctor

Treatment of veins

The treatment of venous disorders includes all forms of diseases related to the overall venous system of a person. Veins in our body are responsible for returning the blood from the limbs to the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Pathological developments may induce symptoms such as heavy, tired or swollen legs, or varicose veins, and spider veins. We offer different kinds of decongestion treatments, such as compression therapy (bandages, support stockings), sclerotherapy, or gentle & minimally invasive surgeries.

Types of venous disorders:

  • Varicose veins, spider veins
  • Leg pains (cold, hot, irritated legs)
  • Thrombosis (heavy, swollen legs, heavy arms)
  • Thrombophlebitis